After many months of experimentation, I think I have now come close to making a viable, contemporary Shawabti. Here it is

Shawabti (also called ushabti or shabti) funerary figurine
In ancient Egypt, a Shawabti was a funerary figurine with a hieroglyphic spell written on it. The spell enabled it to come to life in the afterworld and do work for the deceased. This Shawabti has a contemporary spell written on it that enables it to do work for you in the present world. The spell reads: “If you are called, I will do your work so that you can rest. I will protect your home and keep you safe from trouble and despair. I am strong and able, and you can depend on me.”
This Shawabti is 7 1/8 inches tall and is solid, mid-fired, porcelain. The marble base is 2” x 2.5”. There is a thin metal rod in the marble base that stabilizes the figure via a small center hole. A separate divider of porcelain (with gold overglaze) sits between the foot of the Shawabti and the marble base.