Last October I rented space in the jewelry studio at the Mendocino Art Center and began working with dry point on copper plates. Some years ago I tried this method but now I wanted to revisit it. I like the simplicity of using the stylus directly on the plate, and not having to deal with acids. I also like the feel of the relatively heavy plate, and the brillance of copper. The plates are shown below. The first two etchings are 4×5 inches, the last one is 6X8.
The first etching is from a drawing I made of a fishing boat in Eureka, CA. The second is of a beach scene involving Florida fiddler crabs. The third is from a photograph of a stone sculpture by John Fisher from Fort Bragg, CA. He carved this beautiful piece some years ago; it stands about 10 feet tall and is located on the campus of the Mendocino Art Center.